Daily Outtakes: Can’t find teachers

The Escambia County School Board heard at its special meeting on Monday that the school district has 340 teaching openings.  Students are returning to class in less than three weeks.

  • This might explain why the district officials were spreading rumors that the higher teachers’ salaries at Warrington Prep were only good for one year.

Also, the school board voted to raise taxes by 9.5%.

DeSantis: ‘Totally Good’ With Teaching Turnover

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday shrugged off recent reports about high faculty turnover at New College of Florida, as the governor and other conservative leaders have sought to remake New College of Florida, a small liberal arts school in Sarasota.

  • During a speech at an American Legislative Exchange Council meeting in Orlando, DeSantis bragged that the college has been flooded with student applications but dismissed reports that the school was in the process of filling 36 faculty positions (about a third of its faculty) ahead of the fall semester, which starts Aug. 28.

“The media will say, ‘Oh, some of these professors are leaving, like New College. Like, isn’t that bad? Is that a brain drain?’ Well, you know, if you’re a professor in like, you know, Marxist studies, that’s not a loss for Florida if you’re going on, and trust me, I’m totally good with that.”


When the Pensacola International Airport developed its master plan in 2016, airport officials anticipated getting to about 1.4 million enplanements by 2035.

“We’re going to hit that this year,” said Deputy Airport Director Ken Ibold. “The growth of Pensacola as a community has a lot to do with that, and people in other parts of the country have discovered Pensacola as a place to vacation or to do business.”

Ibold said the airport is in “uncharted territory” as it estimates future demand. He said, “We trying our best to stay ahead of the curve.”

1 thought on “Daily Outtakes: Can’t find teachers

  1. Again, I will ask the same question. Do members of the school board continue to collect the same salary as both schools and employees attrition?

    Seems patently unwise to pay Fukso and the rest of them the same salaries as they continually have less to do, and less to manage.

    And hypothetically, say that I were interested in reducing my pay by 2/3 and becoming a teacher, why on earth would I work for those fools? Dr. Tim was their hope to move forward and we all saw what happened to him.

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