New Blog look, new rules

I’ve been working on this new theme. It is simpler than my earlier versions, but it has several features that I like. The blog now was an iPhone application for those readers who like reading this from their smart phones.

The biggest change is in the Comments section. It’s time we move to more adult conversations on issues and stop the anonymous attacks. To comment, you will be required to use your real name–first and last names– and an email address. The email address will not be shown, but will be confirmed. It’s the same policy used by the newspaper for letters to the editor. People need to stand behind their opinions.

Your first comment to this blog will have to be approved by me. Then you will be allowed to post comments freely. If you violate any of the other rules, especially those about harassment or libel, you will be banned from further comments.

This isn’t foolproof. If it doesn’t work, we can add a more sophisticated registration system.
