Daily Outtakes: Hacked?

Have Clerks of Court Been Hacked?

Inweekly received this email yesterday:

The First Judicial Circuit has experienced an information technology security event that is under active investigation. This event will significantly affect court operations across the Circuit, impacting courts in Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton counties, for an extended period.

This event has the potential to disrupt email and phone service. The Circuit is prioritizing and conducting essential court proceedings but may cancel and reschedule other proceedings and pause related operations for several days, beginning Monday, October 2, 2023.

Judges in the four counties will contact litigants and attorneys regarding any hearings scheduled to be held the week of October 2-6, 2023. All court facilities remain open at this time.

For docket information and any additional questions, please contact the clerk of court for the respective county. Their web addresses are:

Escambia: https://www.escambiaclerk.com/;

Okaloosa: https://www.okaloosaclerk.com/;

Santa Rosa: https://santarosaclerk.com/;

Walton: https://waltonclerk.com/.

Court filings made electronically through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal will be stamped at the time of filing, as usual.

Status updates will be posted to the Circuit’s website,https://www.firstjudicialcircuit.org.


An Adult in the Room

Northwest Florida finally may a GOP candidate who wants to tackle the kitchen table issues that voters care about – high housing costs and property insurance premiums, soaring electric bills, and other cost-of-living nightmares that put nearly half of Escambia County on the brink of homelessness every day.

On WCOA yesterday, Don Gaetz defined his conservative philosophy:

“I think it starts with money. I don’t think we should spend more than we have, but I think that the money we spend needs to be investments in solutions that actually work for the people of Florida.

“Now, a real conservative, it seems to me, needs to worry about the high electric bills that people are paying needs to worry about the high property insurance rates that people are paying.

“If you can find property insurance, we need to worry about high housing costs and we need to worry about how to make sure people can afford those costs and control them where we can.

“So being a classical conservative means I want to hold on to things that have really worked in our country and worked in our state. I believe in the values and virtues of the founding fathers and mothers of this country.

“But at the same time, a conservative has to be somebody who solves problems. We can’t be the party of no, only we have to be the party of here’s a better idea.”


Gaetz v. McCarthy – Thrilla on the Potomac

In the U.S. House, the Democratic minority holds the swing votes for GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to keep his job or Rep. Matt Gaetz to remove him.

Read NYT and Roll Call.