McKay defends Salzman and prays for her on air

NewsRadio 1620 Andrew McKay defended Rep. Michelle Salzman this morning and claimed Salzman told him that she said her statement at the Tuesday session was taken out of context. According to McKay, Salzman said she wasn’t paying attention to Rep. Nixon, had her back to the speaker and was just talking in the back of the room.

I have spoken with those on the House floor, and they dispute Salzman’s account. They have confirmed my reporting that Salzman did shout out “All Of Them” – shocking them. Her fake news ploy won’t hold up.

Rep. Salzman told McKay that she has received death threats, asked for law enforcement protection and more lighting from Florida Power & Light. McKay asked his listeners to pray for Salzman and her family. He even prayed for Salzman on the air and asked God to give repentance to Rep. Nixon for her part in this.

For the record: I do hope Salzman, her family, and all our lawmakers and their families are safe. Fiery rhetoric “burns” everyone – I do hope these political debates don’t escalate to any harm to any of our legislators.