
ECUA inept, hides capacity issue

ecua  ECUA continues to play the begger and ignore their legal obligation to move the Main St. Sewage Treatment Plant.  The PNJ reports today:

ECUA Executive Director Steve Sorrell sent a letter this month to Pensacola City Manager Tom Bonfield and Escambia County Administrator George Touart. It asks for help to make up a $115 million project shortfall, if a federal grant request falls through.

Nearly every business person in this county and figure how ECUA can refinance their current debt and establish a series of small rate increases to pay for moving the plant. It’s not rocket science…unless you’re an ECUA board member and your primary concern is keeping your $34K salary.

What ECUA isn’t telling the community is that they are about to forced by law to build a new plant  or expand the Marcus Point facility soon because it is so near capacity?

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