UDC needs loan extension

Escambia Children’s Trust provider The Urban Development Center (UDC) failed to make its final payment, $41,925, due to the Town of Century for monies the municipality loaned the nonprofit while it waited on funds from the Trust for UDC’s YouthFirst Century program.

NorthEscambia.com reported that UDC co-founder Dr. Jessica Griffen wrote Mayor Luis Gomez, Jr. on Jan. 10 requesting an “extension to, on or before March 31.” She cited “the slow nature of our financial receivables” as the reason for the delay.

Last March, the Town Council loaned UDC $61,925 for 500 workbooks and $26,375 worth of computers. Both NorthEscambia and I have been told UDC made $20,000 to Century by city officials, but no documentation was provided to verify the payment.

According to Trust records, UDC has been reimbursed $164,903.50 as of Oct. 19, 2023. A reimbursement check on May 9 included $34,723 for computers in March. However, UDC didn’t use the funds to reimburse the Town of Century.

For March-August, Griffen and fellow co-founder John Rigsby were paid $24,120 and $19,845 respectively.

The Trust financial statements for November don’t show any payables due UDC. However, its OST Combined Reimbursement Report shows $23,143.20 due for September. The amount includes another $4,200 for Griffen and $3,780 for Rigsby.