Meet Ashlee Hofberger

Ashlee Hofberger has pre-filed for the Escambia County Commission District 4 seat. Find out who she is and why she’s running.

Hofberger mentioned two recent experiences that motivated her to file.

PERMITTING: “We’re in the process of building out another business off of University Parkway, and it’s taken over eight weeks to get through the permitting process, which is a lot for a small business to carry.”

“You’re talking about two months of expenses you hand in your plans. There’s not really an expected timeline on when to get those back, and I feel like we can do better for our builders, people in the construction industry, and our small business owners and help them to get through that faster and at least give them an expected timeline so they know what cost they’re going to be carrying.”

EMERGENCY SERVICES: “I feel like our emergency responders need more support from our leadership. We have a 2-year-old little girl, and in November, she had a seizure, and it was 20 minutes plus before the ambulance got there. And as a parent, that’s horrifying. It was just terrifying. Thankfully, the fire department got there sooner, and they were able to sit with us and kind of walk us through things.”

“But those types of emergencies should not wait that long for emergency response. I feel like we can do a better job of giving resources to our first responders so that they can respond in the manner that we expect as the community.”

2 thoughts on “Meet Ashlee Hofberger

  1. ps. I was really sorry to hear that Ms. Hofberger had that experience with her little girl’s seizure. :(

    Hopefully Mr. Moreno will get ahold of that mess once for all. Torsell, Stephens, and ALL of the remaining people who predated their arrival and contributed to the railroading of the innocent paramedics–and that includes Reid Jackson–need to go. I don’t know how Eric Gilmore ever thought that situation could just be smoothed over without weeding out the bad apples who contributed to that mess.

    Cracks me up to see Burt now bitching about being on the wrong end of that medicine. He certainly didn’t mind it when innocent people were being framed on certifications while the people who actually had the expired certs received no disciplinary action whatsoever. Did those felonies that 1 person arrested pled to happen with nobody on the receiving end?

    Of course they didn’t. Now the rats are fighting the rats. There is no good side/bad side left in that incredibly toxic workforce. There are two sides of thugs–administration vs union leadership–fighting for primacy with the good people still stuck working there just keeping their heads down. And it has been that way since Janice ushered Torsell in the door and he brought Stephens in behind him. Nothing changes til they’re out, along with the human pieces of garbage involved in framing their fellow medics.

  2. If I were forced to predict how this D4 race was going to go, I’d say Ms. Hofberger is going to give the establishment republicans a run for their money.

    I wonder if it’s too much to hope she’s reasonable on book bans and abortion rights and still have that “R” behind her name. Wouldn’t that be something. I used to buy the argument that it didn’t matter because commissioners didn’t have any legal say on those matters. At this point, the cart is so off the rails with the republican party that choosing the lesser between the evils of candidates who all want to rip away women’s rights and Black history isn’t tolerable any longer.

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