DeWeese continues district-wide clean-up

Got this note from Councilmember Maren DeWeese: Bay Cliffs residents in District 3 braved a cold rain to improve the view of Escambia Bay at the entrance of their subdivision off of Scenic Highway. In two short hours 3 truckloads of material was removed. What a difference 2 short hours on a Saturday morning can make in our community. Thanks Bay Cliff!!

See her website on Pensacola Beautification.

Three years ago, Sam Hall redefined city council leadership by being the first with a blog and by taking members of his district to his meetings with city staff. Today Diane Mack, Megan Pratt, Larry Johnson and DeWeese all have blogs.

DeWeese is raising the bar even further by leading volunteers to help clean-up her district.

Meanwhile the old guard, P.C. Wu, John Jerralds, Jewel Cannada-Wynn and Ronald Townsend, haven’t changed. Same old, same old.
