Santa Rosa GOP Exec Committee upset, probably will not get its way

The Santa Rosa County Executive Committee wants a forensic audit, according to reports from the PNJ.

  • The group copied the newspaper on an email sent to Santa Rosa Supervisor of Elections Tappie Villane, calling a software glitch that impacted several election supervisors’ websites a “Constitutional Crisis & National Security Breach,” according to the once-daily.

What was the glitch? The Miami Herald reported supervisors’ homepages in Pinellas, Leon, Broward and other counties struggled to load, but direct links to Tuesday’s primary results appeared to be unaffected.

  • On the night of the Aug. 20 primary, Florida Secretary of State Cory Byrd said that the issue had nothing to do with votes or votes being transmitted to the Secretary of State. The state’s results page,, was unaffected.

Villane reportedly has forwarded the request to the state.

What are the chances that the Santa Rosa GOP gets the audit?

  • We know this: The Florida Elections Canvassing Commission today certified the results of the Aug. 20 primary elections, formally setting the stage for the November general election. The commission, consisting of Gov. Ron DeSantis, Attorney General Ashley Moody, and state Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, met briefly by phone to certify the results.

Republicans won every local primary race in Santa Rosa County.


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