More FCAT analysis

The FCAT statistics indicate that the test scores vary from class to class as the students move through the Escambia County Public School District. Teachers don’t have the same impact year to year.

Edgewater (percent below 3)
2007 Third grade 41%
2008 Fourth grade 38% …3% improvement

2008 Third grade 30%
2009 Fourth grade 46%…16% decline

Navy Point
2007 Third grade 48%
2008 Fourth grade 60%…28% decline

2008 Third grade 44%
2009 Fourth grade 28%…16% improvement

OJ Semmes
2007 Third grade 59%
2008 Fourth grade 52%…7% improvement

2008 Third grade 40%
2009 Fourth grade 62%…22% decline

Spencer Bibbs
2007 Third grade 64%
2008 Fourth grade 63%…1% improvement

2008 Third grade 59%
2009 Fourth grade 63%…4% improvement

Allie Yniestra
2007 Third grade 51%
2008 Fourth grade 63%…12% improvement

2008 Third grade 36%
2009 Fourth grade 27%…9% decline

Lincoln Park
2007 Third grade 47%
2008 Fourth grade 43%…4% decline

2008 Third grade 69%
2009 Fourth grade 53%…16% decline

If FCAT preparation, tutoring and teachers are so critical, then classes would have the same measure of improvement or decline every year. According to FCAT supporters, good teachers will get better FCAT scores. That isn’t happening. The scores vary from class to class. The teachers are the scapegoats and aren’t being properly evaluated, if FCAT scores are used.

The Lincoln Park third class of 2008 reads better that the class of 2007. When these classes moved to fourth grade, the Class of 2008 still scored better than its predecessor, but experienced a bigger decline than the class of 2007.

At Allie Yniestra, the opposite is true. The Class of 2007 has the better readers. Same teachers different results.

FCAT is a shame and spending hours, days and months force-feeding students on the exam kills the joy of learning. It definitely isn’t creating a generation of better readers. When a school promotes a weak class on to middle and high schools, its scores and school grade goes up —if the incoming class performs better.

In a tight state budget year, it’s time the Legislature drop the FCAT.
