Top Five News Stories

Laughing bay on laptop

Daily Outtakes: Pam Childers was duped

A road crew played on Pam Childers’ hate for Lumon May to damage the commissioner politically and personally. And Pam took the bait, wasting resources and time.

Outtakes: Meet Your County Mayor

We have heard repeated cries for a county mayor to run Escambia County, an all-powerful individual controlling county operations. We may already have one.

Tim Kinsella named new city administrator

Mayor D.C. Reeves has hired Capt. Tim Kinsella, Jr., USN (Ret), is the next City Administrator for Pensacola. Kinsella chaired the mayor’s transition team.

Daily Outtakes: How did Kinsella get the job?

Mayor D.C. Reeves asked Tim Kinsella to serve, and the retired Navy captain agreed to do so because he believes in the mayor’s vision for Pensacola.

IMPACT 100 names finalists

IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area, announced the 15 grant finalists selected for 2024. Twelve of the fifteen nonprofit finalists will each receive a grant of $100,670 at the IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area Annual Meeting on October 13, 2024.

Photo Licensed under the Unsplash+ License


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