The 2024 Intellectual Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Survey found that cancel culture, limitations on free speech and indoctrination are not problems at the University of West Florida.
- 65% of UWF students said the mood on campus was equally tolerant of both liberal and conservative ideas and beliefs, higher than the State University Student (SUS) average of 51% and the Buckley National Student Sample (36%).
More UWF students said that it was important to expose students to all types of viewpoints, even if they are offensive or biased against certain groups: UWF 64% to SUS 62%.
Believe political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have, UWF 69%-SUS 63%.
Believe it is important for healthy campus life that the distinctions between speech and violence are maintained, UWF 93%-SUS 92%.
My university campus provides an environment for the free expression of ideas, opinions, and beliefs: UWF -Strong Agree+Agree 87% to SUS 81%.
I see examples of free and welcomed expression (such as speeches, debates with other students or instructors, class assignments, etc.) in my classes/on campus regularly: UWF-Strong Agree+Agree 78% to SUS 74%.
My university is doing a good job when it comes to promoting or encouraging diverse political viewpoints: UWF-Strong Agree+Agree 79% to SUS 69%.
Students at my university are encouraged to consider a wide variety of viewpoints and perspectives: UWF-Strong Agree+Agree 84% to SUS 78%.
I feel comfortable speaking up and giving my views on non-controversial topics: UWF Strong Agree 37% to SUS 35%; UWF Agree 35% to SUS 49%
I feel comfortable speaking up and giving my views on controversial topics: UWF Strong Agree 19% to SUS 18%; UWF Agree 46% to SUS 41%
On your campus, how often have you felt that you could not express your opinion on a subject because of how students, a professor, or the administration would respond? Rarely/Never: UWF 60% to SUS 53% to Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) National Student Sample 55%.
Acceptability for students to protest a campus speaker. Never Acceptable: UWF 39% to SUS 29% to FIRE Sample 32%.
Acceptability if students block other students from attending a campus speech. Never Acceptable: UWF 67% to SUS 59% to FIRE Sample 55%.
Witnessed a student with conservative beliefs receive uncivil treatment for expressing those beliefs on campus?
Rarely/Never: UWF 72% to SUS 62%
Witnessed a student with liberal or progressive beliefs receive uncivil treatment for expressing those beliefs on campus? Rarely/Never: UWF 78% to SUS 68%
UWF | 30% | 22% | 42% | 7% |
SUS | 22% | 25% | 43% | 8% |
FIRE | 13% | 30% | 43% | 14% |
BACKGROUND: During the 2021 legislative session, House Bill 233 amended section (s.) 1001.03, Florida Statutes (F.S.), to require Florida College System (FCS) and State University System (SUS) institutions to conduct an
annual assessment of intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity.
For the Spring 2024 survey, the Board of Governors staff facilitated the distribution of the survey with a third-party vendor.
At the Oct. 30 Board of Governors Meeting in the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, summary results for the system were provided by a consultant: https://www.flbog.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Survey-Presentation-FINAL.pdf
Gov. Ron DeSantis supported House Bill 233, claiming that college campuses have become “intellectually repressive environments” where certain orthodoxies are promoted while other viewpoints are suppressed.
- He said, “We obviously want our universities to be focused on critical thinking [and] academic rigor. We do not want them to be hotbeds of stale ideologies.”
The governor argued that many parents worry their children will be “indoctrinated” rather than taught to think critically when sent to university and emphasized the desire for “robust First Amendment speech” on college campuses.
- The governor’s concerns are not issues at the University of West Florida.