Aetna Better Health of Florida, a CVS Health® company, joined Gulf Coast Kid’s House today to announce their new partnership to combat child abuse and human trafficking. Aetna said they are making a $50,000 commitment to Gulf Coast Kids’ House, jumpstarting a partnership with the group to expand their school-based program into the Pensacola community and the surrounding areas. Gulf Coast Kids’ House creates educational curriculum to raise awareness on the signs of child abuse and human trafficking.
Gulf Coast Kid’s House Executive Director Stacey Kostevicki said, “We’re so thankful to Aetna Better Health of Florida for providing us with the support to reach more communities here in the panhandle. Last year, over 11,000 reports of suspected child abuse were made in Escambia County alone. We all play a role in preventing child abuse, and it all starts with having the knowledge on what to look for and how to help. Through this partnership, we’ll be able to continue to teach, empower, and change the lives of children by training them on how to identify child abuse and end the cycle of violence. Thank you, Aetna, for your generosity and work to help us support more families in Florida.”
The Escambia County School District previously called on Gulf Coast Kid’s House to raise awareness about child abuse and human trafficking and to help meet their 2019 mandate from the Florida Board of Education that all grades K-12 students be educated regarding child sex trafficking.
Aetna Better Health of Florida CEO Jennifer Sweet said, “When we learned about Gulf Coast Kid’s House’s program and their goal to reach beyond the schools they currently serve and into the Pensacola community, we wanted to help. Growing up in a safe environment is fundamental to long term health and wellbeing. We’re passionate about keeping kids safe and look forward to working with Gulf Coast Kid’s House to achieve our common objective to help end human trafficking and child abuse.”