Rick's Blog

American Magic knocked out America’s Cup

American Magic

Photo credit: New York Yacht Club American Magic

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, the team representing the Circolo della Vela Sicilia yacht club, secured their place in the Louis Vuitton Cup Final after a last race against NYYC American Magic.

America’s Cup Recap:

Overnight, the Italian shore team burnt the midnight oil repairing a damaged mainsail traveller track system that had given way in the semi-final race yesterday and gifted the American team a race win to close to 4-3 in this first-to-five series.

The win was hard-fought from the initial stages with American Magic’s Tom Slingsby expertly winning the start and making the first cross upwind. A downspeed tack on the second cross was ultimately the undoing of American Magic with the Italians able to power through to leeward and take a lead that they would never lose.

In the shifting south-easterly breeze that filled and phased across a relatively flat sea-state, Luna Rossa initially extended but some great calls on the second upwind leg brought American Magic back in contention and just eight seconds adrift at the mid-way point.

Picking a big pressure patch on the second downwind leg allowed the Italians to extend and for American Magic it was roll-the-dice time on the final windward leg. Unfortunately for them, there were no opportunities to make gains and Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli sailed away to record a 61 second final delta and secure their place in the Louis Vuitton Cup Final against INEOS Britannia – scheduled to start on Thursday September 26.

Photo credit: New York Yacht Club American Magic

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