Americans for Prosperity Florida targets Greg Evers

greg evers
Americans for Prosperity Florida, the conservative political advocacy group sponsored in part by billionaires David H. Koch and Charles Koch, has targeted one of Northwest Florida’s most conservative state senators.

An AFP flyer was received yesterday by Santa Rosa County voters blasting Sen. Greg Evers (R-Baker) for not working with his fellow conservative lawmakers.

The flyer states, “Senator Greg Evers turned his back on them! Instead of helping conservatives pass needed tax reforms, Sen. Evers voted to give unfair tax breaks to politically-connected billionaires.”

AFP is referring to SB 306 that would have given subsidies to help build a new stadium for the Miami Dolphins. The Florida House leadership blocked the bill.

All the “facts” on the flyer are tied to that bill –which later also included subsidies to help renovate the Jacksonville Jags stadium and build a soccer stadium in Orlando.

AFP claims Evers’ votes “are driving up government spending” and states that the state senator received a “D” rating on the 2013 Economic Freedom Scorecard –which, by the way, was created by Americans For Prosperity Florida.

From our area, State Representatives Clay Ingram and Matt Gaetz and State Senator Don Gaetz were given A’s. Rep. Doug Broxson was given a B.

AFP asked voters to call Sen. Evers to “ask why he turned his back on conservative principles.”

Here is the flyer: AFPEvers1.

Isn’t fun to watch conservatives fight?
