Americans with Disabilities champions

The Center for Independent Living Disability Resource Center today held its 28th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act Awards and Volunteer Recognition Banquet. In addition to Dr. Vannee Cao-Nugyen receiving the Joe Oldmixon Service Award, several other champions were recognized.

Jobenna Lawson-Sellers, Escambia Westgate School principal, received Spirit of CIL Award, which is presented annually to recognize individuals who promote positive change for and with people with disabilities by working to assist people with disabilities in gaining their independence, promoting personal empowerment and self-advocacy assertiveness, serving as a role model and sharing creative solutions related to disability issues in a person’s life.

In introducing Lawson-Sellers, Rachel Payne said, “Jobenna Lawson-Sellers believes every student has potential and encourages her staff to always believe that the students are capable and to see their abilities instead of their disabilities. She works with teachers and therapists to develop creative solutions to challenges in the learning environment.”

Stacy Davis of Capstone Adaptive Learning and Therapy Centers presented the Volunteer of the Year award to Larry and Mary Anderson.

Larry joined Capstone’s Board in 2012, becoming Chairman in 2017. Annually, he volunteers over 100 hours during special events and guides the organization with his vast expertise and experience. He hosted Capstone’s 2017 Strategic Planning session with staff and board members to project Capstone’s growth for the next 10 years.

He supports Capstone’s annual golf tournament by selling tee signs, donating beverages/prizes and greeting 150 players/vendors. Larry and his wife Mary are participants and supporters of Capstone’s “Wine a Little, Dine A Lot” dinner. They assist in securing auction items and host at least one or two tables each year for friends and colleagues.

The Andersons helped raise over $265,000 since 2012 from these two events for children and students with developmental disabilities attending Capstone’s many programs. They also have adopted Capstones’s six group homes and makes homemade lasagna and cookies along with salad and bread every two weeks for the past year for 30 students.

The Lifetime Achievement Award to the family of late Warren Jernigan, who passed away in May.

Warren Jernigan was dedicated to affecting change for people disabilities throughout our Gulf Coast and the State of Florida. He spent many days, weeks and more at the Capitol in Tallahassee, where he would meet with representatives to lobby for the rights of people with disabilities in employment, transportation and equal rights.

Cheri Hofmann, who presented the award to his family, said, “Many of us know the different faces of Warren Jernigan, his involvement with the City of Pensacola, Escambia County Disability Awareness Committee, Disability Summit Council, CIL Disability Resource Center, Pensacola Transportation, Vocational Rehabilitation, the City Council and County Commissioners, and so much more. Warren had a wonderful, colorful life. Even though we all feel the loss and will miss him, we won’t forget him or the impact he had in our lives.”