Rick's Blog

Andrade endorses White for State Senate

Sen. Doug Broxson will term out of office in 2024. Several potential candidates have been mentioned, but former State Rep. Frank White appears to be frontrunner. State Rep. Alex Andrade, who holds White’s old seat, has announced that he will not be running for Florida Senate in 2024 and has endorsed White.

Official Statement from Rep. Andrade:

When I first moved to Northwest Florida, I fell in love with it. Since making it my home, I’ve dedicated myself to making our region better; I’m grateful to have this unique platform to do that. You didn’t have to put your faith in a 28-year-old transplant to represent you in Tallahassee, but it’s a testament to your hospitality and character that you did.

I consider the promises I’ve made and my statements of principles during my campaigns to be a covenant with you, the voter. I’ve woken up every day determined to fulfill those promises and live by those principles.

I haven’t been perfect; but my intentions have always been sincere, putting my constituents’ interests before my own.

I will always appreciate the kindness strangers show me in public. The comments from folks telling me they’re praying for me or believe in the work I’m doing always uplift me, especially when this role gets frustrating or difficult.

Recently, people have begun asking me what I will run for “next.” While I appreciate the support, the decision to run for higher office is a serious one; and I would never make it without sincere reflection and the support of my family.

In 2024, Northwest Florida will have to choose a new State Senator for Florida District 1. While the opportunity to have a bigger platform is appealing, I don’t feel called to run in the way I felt called to serve as your state representative. The last state representative from this district in a leadership role was Clay Ford in 2013. The last resident of Pensacola to chair a committee was Holly Benson in 2006.

Serving alongside Rep. Williamson and Sen. Broxson has been the highlight of my time in the Florida Legislature. I owe both of those men, as well as Congressman Gaetz, a debt I’ll never be able to repay. Whoever runs to replace Sen. Broxson has massive shoes to fill. I am committed to doing everything in my power to make sure the right person fills those shoes, and I’m fortunate to be in the position to help our next Senator find success in their first 2 years in office.

I was relieved to learn that Frank White has signed up to fill that role in the Florida Senate. I’ve known Frank for many years, and since his time in the Florida House, I know that Frank can lead with integrity, and will work with me to represent our home the way that it deserves. I’m excited to endorse Frank and support him in his race; and I look forward to working with him in the Florida Legislature. Frank is the only candidate I trust to prioritize a culture of integrity and collaboration in our delegation.

Thank you for the privilege and the honor of serving you as your state representative. I am excited for the future of Northwest Florida, and appreciate the opportunity to serve.

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