Rick's Blog

Andrade endorses Wilson

Press Release: Today for Immediate Release— Representative Alex Andrade, a steadfast advocate for Northwest Florida values and a leading voice against federal overreach, announced his endorsement of Walker Wilson for Escambia County Commission District 4. Wilson, a conservative Republican, has garnered support for his commitment to defending local interests and upholding traditional values in the community.

Andrade, who has been at the forefront of our fight against federal mandates and unnecessary government intrusion, voiced his confidence in Wilson’s ability to uphold our Northwest Florida values. Andrade said, “Wilson’s dedication to safeguarding our military presence at NAS Pensacola and his stance against government overreach make him the ideal candidate to represent our community.”

Wilson’s platform resonates strongly with Escambia voters, promising to protect local interests and promote transparency in government operations. His endorsement by Representative Andrade underscores a unified commitment to championing conservative principles and ensuring accountability in local governance.

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of Representative Andrade,” said Walker Wilson. “I am committed to standing up for Escambia County residents, defending our military mission, and preserving the values that make our community strong. Together, we will work tirelessly to address the challenges facing our county and build a brighter future for all.”


For more information about Walker Wilson’s campaign and his vision for Escambia County, please visit votewalkerwilson.com

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