Rick's Blog

Andrews splits with partner

The Birmingham News reports today Dr. Jim Andrews – the Andrews of the Andrews Institute in Gulf Breeze – has split with his partner.

“Orthopedic surgeons Jim Andrews and Larry Lemak are parting ways after more than 20 years together in the world-renowned sports medicine practice they founded, both doctors confirmed Monday.

Representatives for both Andrews and Lemak said many of the details have yet to be worked out, but the split is amicable. The surgeons are still practicing together and expect the division of the practice to take three to 18 months.

Andrews and Lemak founded Alabama Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center in 1986 at what became HealthSouth Medical Center and is now UAB Highlands. The practice moved to St. Vincent’s Hospital in May 2005.”

Here is the article: Andrews, Lemak to split

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