Another observation from Monday Council Marathon

The height of dysfunction is to hold a council workshop on a film commission, have city staff make a presentation, and not have any council support for the proposal.

A simple request for a show of hands from city council members in June would have been enough to see if there was any interest to hold a workshop on a film commission.

The mayor’s office could have helped, but it doesn’t have a good relationships with the members. Instead, the Economic Policy Coordinator was told to put together a presentation on film commissions.

I can’t imagine City Manager Tom Bonfield wasting the city resources and the time of his council members on an issue that had so little support.

Meanwhile, the CRA needed help on the Hawkshaw development proposals. This is where leadership from the mayor’s office could have helped the council. City Administrator and COO should already known the questions of the council members. Staff members could have been assigned to do the proper research.

Film Commission vs. Hawkshaw —which one deserved more attention from city staff? Clearly, it was Hawkshaw.

The purpose of workshops is for the city council to spend more time on an issue, get more information from city staff, and listen to the public. The end result of the workshop is for the council to give the city staff clear direction on the next step.