Another Republican files for Congress

Today 25-year-old native Floridian Rebekah Johansen Bydlak announced her Republican candidacy for the state’s 1st Congressional District.

Born and raised in McDavid community in north Escambia County, she attended Pensacola State College and the University of West Florida and holds a master’s degree in political science and public administration from UWF.

Since graduation, Bydlak has served as Outreach Director for the Coalition to Reduce Spending, an advocacy organization dedicated to reducing federal spending and debt -of which her husband Jonathan, former Director of Fundraising for Ron Paul’s 2008 Presidential campaign, serves as president.

“The First District deserves innovative solutions, not just more of the same,” Bydlak said in her press announcement. “A vibrant, 21st century economy that benefits all demands a federal government that abides by our Constitution.”

“Washington is broken,” she added, “and I have the experience to be part of the solution. Every child born today will face tens of thousands of dollars in debt they did not ring up, thanks to career politicians who have no interest in stopping business as usual. I will fight for my generation’s right to be free from this burden.”

For more information, visit her website.
