Rick's Blog

As predicted: containment box has problem

BP always, always, always gives the best case scenario, over promises, under delivers and down plays damages and risks. This is according to attorney Brent Coon who dealt wit BP in the Texas City Refinery explosion that killed 15 and injured over 170 employees and residents and investigative reporter Greg Palast that covered the Exxon Valdez spill whose clean-up BP botched.

It happened again today. The attempt to seal one of the leaks (the one responsible for 85 percent of the oil leaking into the Gulf Mexico) at the Deepwater Horizon Well hit a major snag when crystallized gas filled the structure. BP had told us that they were pumping warm water into the line to prevent this from happening – nearly one mile underwater.

BP moved the containment dome to the side of the leak and say it will take 48 hours to figure out what to do…..expect it to take longer.

According to Reuters, one scientist says that BP has underestimated the leak by 20,000 bbls (over 800,000 gal.) per day! Ian MacDonald, biological oceanographer at Florida State University, told Reuters the BP figure was too conservative.

Everything my sources warned about the BP Blueprint is coming true.

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