Rick's Blog

As predicted, Hall announces for at-large seat

Press Release:
I made the decision to run for an at-large seat because I want to be able to serve the city with the same élan that I am serving District 2.

During my three years in office, District 2 went from dead last in local option sales tax expenditures to fourth place overall and either leads or is in second place during my tenure. During these three years parks were upgraded, the tax base grew during a shrinking economy, drainage projects enhanced neighborhoods and constituent service was taken to a level previously unknown in the middle and northwestern Pensacola.

In short, District 2 is no longer the forgotten district.

I want to be able to do the same for Pensacola. Pensacola is to Northwest Florida what District 2 used to be to our city: forgotten.

Nearly $20 million in ad valorem taxes goes to the Board of County Commissioners to spend on county operations but very little comes back to Pensacola in services. As an at-large councilmember, I will be in a much better position to leverage support from the Escambia County government for the service Pensacola deserves and has paid for.

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