Rick's Blog

Assessment Tests Reprieve

by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly

Educators and students received some much anticipated news last Friday: Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran issued an emergency order waiving state assessment test and associated impacts, such as student retentions and schools receiving sagging annual ratings.

“Similar to last year, this Emergency Order protects our high school seniors and empowers local school districts and schools to make the important decisions on graduation, promotion and whether to opt-in to school grades and improvement ratings,” said Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran.

“This is the ultimate flexibility and reinforces the compassion and grace we have used throughout this pandemic in making these decisions. I also want to thank our courageous and dedicated educators and school leaders who have made this school year so successful for our students and local communities.”

This is welcome news in Escambia, where school district officials had sent a letter to Commissioner Corcoran requesting exactly this.

“We requested a waiver of the accountability system for 3rd grade retention, school grades and district grades,” Escambia School District Superintendent Tim Smith told Inweekly last week, a day prior to the commissioner’s emergency order.

As a result of the order, Florida students and schools will not be held to the typical standards tethered to assessment tests. High school seniors will not need to pass the tests to graduate, 3rd graders will not be retained as a result of their performance on the tests and local schools will not be penalized based on students’ collective performance.

This makes sense to Superintendent Smith. This year has presented too many unprecedented challenges: remote learning, mandated quarantines, an unusually high number of absences.

“The validity of a tests, to do it with COVID and compare that with scores from non-COVID years, you’re just — that’s not going to be valid, you’re not going to have reliable data there, that’s just a quantitative reality,” Smith said. “I just think the grades would make a misstatement and I think that could be problematic, because people look to those grades and people form a lot of their perception around schools and school districts based on those grades. And if they’re not valid or reliable, it just seems counterintuitive to me.”

While assessment tests will no longer carry the usual implications, Superintendent Smith said that local students will still be tested. The data from such assessment tests — which was not collected last year due to COVID impacts — is needed to implement measures to improve a student’s or school’s educational trajectory.

“We want it just to see where are our kids, and that will help with figuring out how to adjust and accommodate the needed teaching for next year,” Smith said.

FDOE Emergency Order 2021-EO-02 provides the following:

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