Attacking Studer

A favorite pastime for posters on – and even on this blog at times – is to blame Quint Studer for everything. We saw it all through the Community Maritime Park debate and it has lingered ever since.

Who is Quint Studer? A nationally recognized healthcare expert who has made a difference in the patient care in hospitals all across the country. When people like Melanie Nichols tried to label Studer as “slick salesman,” it was ridiculous. Studer has worked with the top healthcare systems and medical centers in the country – Cleveland Clinic, Vanderbilt Medical School, etc. He is a much sought after public speaker.
Before he started Studer Group, he was the president of Baptist Hospital and made it a better place for employees and patients.

He & his wife, Rishy, have donated $1.5 million to charities. Studer Group employees donate 4 hours per month to a variety of causes in area. All proceeds from his area book sales go to Newspapers in Education.

It’s always strange to me how a certain segment of the community always attacks that which is good.