Posted in Politics

Viewpoint: Please See ‘The Big Short’ Before You See “Star Wars”

By Kent Lyndon Why? Michael Lewis’ “The Big Short” is much more important to our daily lives, that’s why. Those of you who have read…

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Posted in Business

House of Sticks: Where Are The Watchdogs?

By Kent Lyndon We’re supposed to have flying cars in five years, so let’s board an imaginary vehicle and hop around to a few large…

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Posted in Politics

House of Sticks: After Shock

This audience, like most groups, will have mixed emotions about my commentary that will range from “ho hum” to angry complacency (powerless to act but…

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Posted in Politics

House of Sticks: A Slight Diversion…Tongue In Cheek

Last month I had the opportunity to view the movie, “The Wolf of Wall Street” (WWS). What I was hoping to see was a continuation…

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Posted in Politics

House of Sticks: Accounting with a Twist

Are you familiar with the term “mark-to-market” accounting? Okay…. mosey back into Google and look it up. This term represents where some economists want to…

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Posted in Politics

House of Sticks: Kneading (or Needing) the Dough

Grab your favorite search engine (Google always works for me) and type in “55 trillion”. A Bloomberg article dated 10-18-11, featuring writers Bob Ivy, Hugh…

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Posted in Politics

House of Sticks: Resuming the Chase

My allegiance to this column is based on my ability to lead you to credible references. Giving you resources that can verify my statements in…

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Posted in Business

House of Sticks: LaRouche was on target

Go into Yahoo and type in “Understanding the Financial Crisis”. A list of seventy four books will appear. Some of those works are written by…

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Posted in Politics

House of Sticks: Margin Calls

When you and I decide to buy 200 shares of stock on margin, that concept means we are paying for 100 shares and borrowing money…

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Posted in Politics

House of Sticks: What’s the remedy

Nine major financial firms collapsed during the 2007-09 timeframe and, according to retired Fed Chairman Bernanke, 12 out of the 13 largest financial firms were…

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Posted in Business

House of Sticks: Who got bailed out?

Have you had some fun reading about the scandals, the bankruptcies, and who some of the culprits are? Did the demise of Barings, BCCI, LTCM,…

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Posted in Business

House of Sticks: Origin of Derivatives

One can trace the origin of derivatives, for the purpose of the future delivery of a product, to Mesopotamia circa 2000 BC. The actual trading…

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