Bare drops out of mayoral race

Press release from Councilman Bare: Today, Pensacola City Council Member Charles Bare withdrew from the Mayor’s race so that he could better focus on his role as an At-Large Councilman and Chairman of the Community Redevelopment Agency.

Bare defeated incumbent Sam Hall on August 14, 2012 by a nearly 2-to-1 margin despite spending less than 1/3 of the amount Hall spent on his campaign.

“The people sent a clear message that it was time for a change in 2012,” said Bare.

Bare’s four year term began in November of 2012. His decision to withdraw from the race was not an easy one. He was the only candidate to meet the petition card requirement, personally collecting more than 1500 cards himself walking door-to-door.

Bare said, “It was a great experience to get out there and reconnect with voters. I learned that many voters are very pleased with my performance on council.”

By Florida law, Bare would have to resign to run for Mayor. If he resigned to run, Bare’s service on Council would end in November of 2014 regardless of whether he won or lost.

“I owe the voters two more years. There is much work to be done on the governing body of this city. I feel I must honor my commitment to the voters who elected me in 2012,” said Bare.

Bare looks forward to his continued service on the City Council and as the Chairman of the Community Redevelopment Agency. He will be the last person to serve as an At-Large Councilman in the City of Pensacola. At-Large members, who are elected city-wide, were eliminated from the Pensacola City Charter by a citizen referendum in 2013.

Between November 2014 and November 2016, Bare will be the only city-wide elected official on the City Council. He is responsible for voters across the city and provides a second set of ears for each citizen.

“The best part is, I can work hard and I don’t even have to worry about re-election,” said Bare.

Charles Bare serves in the At-Large B Seat of the Pensacola City Council. He was elected on August 14, 2012 and took office in November of 2012.
