Bare wins 18 out of 21 precincts, only 43 percent vote on west side

Charles Bare soundly defeated incumbent Council President Sam Hall for the City of Pensacola’s At Large B seat – with 58 percent of the vote. However, it was the white-dominated precincts that put him in office without a run-off.

Precinct Charles Bare Victor Cross Sam Hall
PRECINCT 14 147 107 243
PRECINCT 15 36 7 15
PRECINCT 29 126 85 112
PRECINCT 30 598 62 173
PRECINCT 31 181 76 175
PRECINCT 32 45 13 51
PRECINCT 35 328 49 139
PRECINCT 40 318 40 110
PRECINCT 41 331 88 141
PRECINCT 42 719 81 214
PRECINCT 46 730 54 270
PRECINCT 50 75 19 33
PRECINCT 56 130 82 116
PRECINCT 58 217 40 88
PRECINCT 64 350 69 256
PRECINCT 72 147 19 96
PRECINCT 90 113 96 153
PRECINCT 97 408 58 135
PRECINCT 98 373 162 272
PRECINCT 106 224 65 157
PRECINCT 107 735 127 274
6331 1399 3223

When you breakdown the voting by city district, Bare did exceedingly well on the east of Pensacola winning by 65 percent of the vote in predominately white districts. On the west side – District 5,6 and 7 – Bare failed to win a majority, only pulling in 43 percent of the vote.

PC Wu Charles Bare Victor Cross Sam Hall District
PRECINCT 97 408 58 135 1
PRECINCT 107 735 127 274 1
1143 185 409
Sherri Myers
PRECINCT 64 350 69 256 2
PRECINCT 72 147 19 96 2
PRECINCT 106 224 65 157 2
721 153 509
Maren Deweese
PRECINCT 30 598 62 173 3
PRECINCT 42 719 81 214 3
PRECINCT 58 217 40 88 3
1534 183 475
Larry Johnson
PRECINCT 35 328 49 139 4
PRECINCT 40 318 40 110 4
PRECINCT 46 730 54 270 4
1376 143 519
John Jerralds
PRECINCT 41 331 88 141 5
PRECINCT 98 373 162 272 5
704 250 413
Brian Spencer
PRECINCT 15 36 7 15 6
PRECINCT 29 126 85 112 6
PRECINCT 31 181 76 175 6
PRECINCT 50 75 19 33 6
PRECINCT 90 113 96 153 6
531 283 488
Ron Townsend
PRECINCT 14 147 107 243 7
PRECINCT 32 45 13 51 7
PRECINCT 56 130 82 116 7
322 202 410
Districts 1,2,3,4 4774 664 1912
Districts 5,6,7 1557 735 1311