Barker adds Firefighters contract to agenda

This confirms my report yesterday:

From: Dick Barker Jr
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 2:24 PM
To: City Council Only
Cc: Rusty Wells; Ericka Burnett; Elaine Mager
Subject: Requested Add-On Item – Pensacola Firefighters IAFF Local 707 Collective Bargaining Agreement
Importance: High

The Fire collective bargaining agreement was voted on and approved by the Firefighters yesterday. As part of that agreement it requires changes to the Fire Pension Special Act. City Staff and the Firefighters are working collectively to get this item to the Legislative Delegation for the 2015 session. One of the requirements of the Legislative process is for any item being considered a 30 day notice to the public in the newspaper is required.

Therefore, an item is being prepared for consideration to be added to the Thursday February 12, 2015 City Council Meeting. Should City Council approve the item, it is my understanding the required public notification can be placed in the Monday, February 16, 2015 newspaper.

Elaine Mager is in the process of contacting each of you to allow you to opportunity to have an individual briefing prior to the City Council Meeting.

Richard Barker, Jr.
Chief Financial Officer