Baseball Challenge

I challenge anyone to identify five minor league baseball parks built since 1999 in downtown areas that have not helped the economies of their cities. Give me a list and I will have Duwayne Escobedo investigate what happened at each. I will also pick five parks so that we have have a large enough sampling to test the theory if parks are good for communities.

We will report the findings good or bad – in fact you can review the facts before they are published to be sure we’re thorough.

It’s time to quit just offering opinions on whether a baseball park will help Pensacola – let’s look at hard facts.

I made this offer 18 months ago to Save Our City. I asked them to pick five baseball parks and I would pick five. We would analyze them together. They never replied.

So go ahead. Pick five and I will pick five. Or are you afraid of the facts? I’m not.
