Rick's Blog

BCC to discuss CARES today…again without documentation provided to the public

Escambia County Administrator Janice Gilley will discuss the “Escambia CARES Act Plan update” with the Board of County Commissioners. The following topics will be include.

1. Update on the CARES Family Emergency Financial Assistance Grant
2. The CARES Business Assistance Grant;
3. Assistance for implementing Grant programs; and
4. The funding balance for CARES Programs.

As has began her method of operation the administrator has provided no background materials for the public to review so that residents can have input. The agenda item posted offers no additional information about is happening with the $57,285,296 earmarked for the county.

Last week, the Sept. 24 agenda stated the board would be discussing how to allocate the remainder of the first round of CARES dollars – $14.3 million. However, the commissioners approved a $28.7 million budget that included the second round funds. The public had no information on what was being discussed.  Those watching the meeting online heard a jumble of numbers but none of the presentation was displayed to help the public follow the discussion – See Charlie Brown Politics in the Buzz.

Gilley didn’t even issue a press release after the meetings to summarize the CARES Act discussions.

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