Rick's Blog

Bender on appointment

On WCOA this morning, Interim Supervisor of Elections Robert Bender gave his first full interview since Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the appointment at 2:20 p.m. on Friday.

He was given a little warning that the appointment was coming.

“I heard about (the appointment) 40 minutes earlier,” Bender said. “I had enough time to call my wife and my mom pretty much before it was out…And so (we) quickly had to change hats and start thinking in different mindsets.”

He expects to be sworn in later this week and won’t make any staff changes.

“We’re going to keep everything as it is right now,” Bender said. “I know that David had surrounded himself with great staff. I was in over the weekend talking with a couple of the people, including Sonya (Daniel). Our focus is going to be on completing the election in March.”

Don’t expect him to endorse anyone to complete his District 4 term. “I’m Switzerland from here on out.”

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