Rick's Blog

Bergosh to fund Perdido lifeguard stands

On WCOA this morning, Escambia County Commissioner Jeff Bergosh announced that he would use his discretionary funds to pay for lifeguard stands on the public beaches on Perdido Key.

“I’m going put something on the agenda to purchase lifeguard stands from my discretionary funds. They’re about $70,000 a piece. We’re going to do that,” Bergosh said.

“And then I’m going ask staff to come up with a plan to add a cadre of lifeguards to Access Points 2  and 3 because they are within that 64-parcel area where we’ve got the easements.”

Why this matters: Perdido Key has had several water rescues and drownings this spring. Escambia County recently discovered it had a perpetual easement for beach access for the public on 64 parcels.

Dig Deeper:

Bergosh: “As you know, we’ve had drownings out there, and I’m trying to improve safety out there along with better access for the public. And I think  (lifeguards are) a win.”

The interview is in the first part of this podcast:

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