Rick's Blog

Beulah Town Hall tonight

Commissioner Jeff Bergosh will host a town hall tonight from 6-8 p.m. at Beulah Middle School, 6001 W. Nine Mile Road. The meeting will be recorded and posted to the Escambia County YouTube channel.

The commissioner plans to address what he sees as misinformation in the Beulah area concerning OLF-8.

“One of the things that I’ve prepared for tonight is a detailed PowerPoint, which I am going to provide to the audience,” said Bergosh. “There’s this fiction out there that, that this whole OLF-8 evolution is just nine or 10 years in the making, which is absolutely untrue. It’s been since 1997.”

He continued, “And I’ve got all the documentation. It’ll be on the PowerPoint. We got to set aside the fiction. And then the other myth we’re going to bust is this idea that the board doesn’t listen. Um, that’s just ridiculous.”



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