Bizarre BOCC meeting

First it starts 6 minutes late. Mike Whitehead walks in as the gavel is sounded. Grover Robinson arrives five minutes after meeting starts and spends the next three to five minutes getting ice and water before he joins the discussion. Gene Valentino and Marie Young leave before the Touart issue is decided.

County Attorney Janet Landers admits – upon questioning from Robinson – that her department has been working on resignation and retirement agreements prior to Sept. 6 BOCC meeting when Touart announced his retirement. However, instead of making a recommendation, she gives the BOCC two options and ask them to vote to let her negotiate with Touart which one to use. On top of that, she couldn’t give the BOCC solid numbers of the cost of each option. It was one of the strangest recommendations I’ve seen from a county or city attorney.

Add to that Mike Whitehead asking for information on the former County Administrator Barry Evans’ retirement package. No one seems to know any of the facts on his payment. They have a copy of the board minutes showing the contract was amended for the payment, but there were no notes in his personnel file. The strange thing here is Whitehead was a commissioner then – so why doesn’t he remember?
