Blackburn’s back


February 16, 2007

Dear Mr. Editor,

WHOA! Back the bus up. Is this the same newpaper that promotes fearless reporting, but forgets to be historically responsible for the content? I must again challenge your obvious political partiality even with an obvious disclaimer to the contrary. To infer that Brownsville should give Sheriff “wanna be” David Morgan the credit for the Brownsville clean up project defies logic in any normal world except the twilight zone! Actually, credit should not be given to any one person or agency in trying to solve a combination of ills which have so long plagued this area of town.

I find you seem to have forgotten that for 6 years Sheriff McNesby and his fellow officers have continued to address citizens concern not just through normal law enforcement functions, but through a list of ongoing special projects, starting with the seizures of numerous hotels catering to the sex trade, countless drug sweeps involving our narcotics unit and culminating most recently with a 18 month wiretap operation which involved 60 major players and 10 search warrants. What other community in this county has had this type of constant intensified attention?

I find it very interesting that one of Morgan’s major supporters, Leroy Boyd, immediately came out of the wood work and criticized McNesby‘s effort by stating that law enforcement was profiling and stereotyping. I guess Morgan’s response to Boyd’s criticism would be the “Halloween Solution”. Give the prostitute a blow pop instead of a trick. Editor, continue your unbiased fearless reporting, and I will continue to believe that Al Gore invented the internet and David Morgan cleaned up Brownsville.

Rex Blackburn
