Rick's Blog

Blog Buzz: Benson, Touart, ECUA, Valentino

Now these are some of the rumors that I’ve heard over the past few days:

State Rep. Holly Benson has fallen out of favor with House Speaker Mario Rubio and is being cut out of significant decisions.

The rumor about Benson getting an agency post won’t die. Smart money says if not now – before her two-year term is up, Benson will get an appointment. Meanwhile expect her do whatever Gov.-elect Charlie Crist wants.

County Administrator George Touart has been mumbling about cutting the county’s funding to the Pensacola Chamber after the October meeting when they questioned him about the county’s permitting and planning departments.

There is a lot of talk about whether the ECUA board has the smarts to understand how to finance the relocation of the Main Street Sewage Plant.

And finally we’ve heard of a letter sent by newly-elected commissioner Gene Valentino on county letterhead to the county’s vendors discussing his business – Collectors Solutions.

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