BP Protest Downtown

About 30 people showed up for a scheduled protest of BP in Plaza Ferdinand. The group known as Hear Our Voice To Save Our Coast, carried signs and wore shirts that expressed frustration with the oil company’s handling of the recent oil spill. Some slogans read: “Do it right or get out of the way,” “BP is unsafe” and “Bird Poison.”

The group left the park around 6:30 p.m. and headed south on Palafox Place to the corner of Main Street, where many chanted “Save our Gulf” to the passing vehicle traffic.

“What’s going on is not right,” said Joe Trapp, a protestor from Lilian, Ala. “Where is the cleanup? The oil was supposed to be cleaned up before it hit the shore.”

Another protestor remarked that “the people of Pensacola just don’t want to take it.”

Several said they planned on standing outside of City Hall during the scheduled Council meeting at 7 p.m.
