BP spill: Possible Landfall at Perdido Thursday

From Chasidy Hobbs, Emerald Coastkeeper:

Latest projection shows possible landfall of oil sheen in Perdido as early as Thursday. This changes everyday and keeps getting pushed back later and later. Hopefully it will be pushed back to never.

Document your coastline.
If possible take date and time stamped photos (or video) of YOUR coastline. Don’t live on a coastline? Take them of your favorite spot (public property only of course). These photos may be needed down the road. Please do not email them to me (yet). I will let you know what can be done with them when the time comes, if needed.

BEWARE OF SCAMS! No one should ask you for money for training, apparently some fool is in Pensacola taking “pre-registration” money for training. BP is the responsible party and they are paying for training.

DO NOT sign a hold harmless agreement/waiver, BP has officially come out and admitted the absurdity of having folks sign waivers as they are liable for this mess.

For the latest update in Escambia County visit: https://www.myescambia.com/escambiadisasterresponse/OilUpdate9.html
