Breaking: AZ candidate Kari Lake on Pensacola Beach tomorrow

The controversial GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate in Arizona, Karu Lake, is having a fundraiser at 5:30 p.m. on Pensacola Beach. The location is a secret and only revealed to those on the RSVP list.

The hosts are Sandee & Mike Bredesen, Lisa Roper and Philip Costa.

Lake lost her 2022 bid to be Arizona’s governor, but she refused to concede and filed several unsuccessful lawsuits to have the results overturned and be declared the winner.

Prior to the 2022 election, Lake and Mark Finchem sued state officials, seeking to ban electronic voting machines from being used in her 2022 election.

Supreme Court declined to hear their lawsuit appeal on Monday.

3 thoughts on “Breaking: AZ candidate Kari Lake on Pensacola Beach tomorrow

  1. Thank you, Give me a break. I started typing out a response to that yesterday, thought “Why bother?”, and deleted it.

    Glad you had more fortitude. When will this nightmare of people having their brains boggled by conspiracy theory ever be over.

  2. There has been absolutely zero credible evidence that “massive cheating” occurred in the 2022 election.
    Or the 2020 election.
    Or the 2018 election.
    Or the 2016 election.

    The preponderance of cases involving election fraud/cheating in the last 8 years have been republicans/trumpers who got caught voting more than once and out of their district of residence.

    Please touch grass.

  3. So sad this state refuses to acknowledge that there was massive cheating in the 2022 election. I totally support Lake and Finchem

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