Breaking: David Morgan drops out of race

Former Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan has sent an email to his supporting dropping out of the mayor’s race.

Following is text of letter delivered to the Supervisor of Elections office:

Mr. Stafford,
It is with regret that I must inform you, friends, and political supporters of my decision to withdraw from the 2022 Mayoral Race. Family medical issues, which I had prayed would resolve by years end will not.

Those with political experience know that campaigns are high energy and intensive affairs, where candidates and their families must be solely committed to the effort. It is not fair to a candidates supporters, and the process itself, to continue knowing you cannot remain fully engaged.

We of course will be refunding all campaign contributions. Any expenditures to date will be paid by me.

Susan and I thank all of you for your encouragement and support. You will all be forever in our hearts.

David Morgan


Inweekly has reached out to Morgan and is waiting on a callback.
