Breaking: ECT director campaigns for Hightower

Escambia Children’s Trust executive director Tammy Greer has written a letter to the Escambia County School Board requesting they let Patty Hightower stay on the board at least until November.

I don’t have a copy of the letter, but I had it read to me last night. Greer praises Hightower’s dedication to ECT and her attendance at meetings.

The school board has been considering replacing Hightower with new board member David Williams. Greer has little negative to say about Williams but didn’t like that his appointment would put three people living in District 3 on the board.

District 3 covers some of the poorest census tracts in Escambia County.

She appears to be under the impression that board membership should be tied to county districts.

The ECT board approves Greer’s employment and budget. There is no other check on how she runs ECT.

2 thoughts on “Breaking: ECT director campaigns for Hightower

  1. I would be happy to answer any questions you have on your podcast, Mr. Outzen. I would like your listeners to hear my responses.

    I do not do make any funding decisions without the Board’s approval. I speak to every member regularly and communicate with them often via email as they are busy with their actual jobs. Yes, I do run the day to day operations. Yes, I do recommend things to the Board. That is my job, as addressed in Florida statute. They hired me to do it based on my experience. They told me that they will micromanage me, and they do – which I have come to appreciate given the well deserved scrutiny this new government agency receives.

    A children’s services council is not a foundation. We do not exist to dole out checks. It is complex work. I am doing everything I can to keep things going so the children of Escambia start receiving more services they need and deserve.

    If you want information about what I do, you can always ask me. I hope that you will sit down and talk with me. I’m not some evil person with a hidden agenda. I’m not someone who doesn’t know Pensacola. And believe me, there are many checks on my work. I would be happy to share my communications with the Board. If you will come to my office, I will show you the email updates and my cell phone logs of calls I’ve made and received. I am constantly attacked but never offered an opportunity to tell my side of the story or offer any background or context. I need to spend my time working on things that benefit children and families in Escambia County, so I will get back to it. For the record, this was written at 7:28 AM, not on the taxpayers’ dime.

    Thank you for covering the Trust. If you will give it time, it will make tremendous impact in our community.

  2. I am encouraged by the School Board’s decision to re-visit the Board Member appointment to the Children’s Trust. I believe David Williams, district 3 School Board Member, will serve the children of Escambia County in a fair and equitable way, and not just district 3. Surely, the ECT bylaws are in place after 2 ½ years, and are no longer a barrier to moving forward.

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