Breaking: Humane Society releases CPA report

From PHS Facebook page: “As you may know, the Pensacola Humane Society retained an accounting firm on December 10, 2022, to conduct an Independent Accountant’s Report on Applying Agreed Upon Procedures for 2021 and 2022. On February 23, 2023, The Pensacola Humane Society received the completed report, which is now available for the public to view online. You can view the report and related documentation at

We hope the report will help reassure donors, volunteers, fosters, and the community at large that the Pensacola Humane Society is financially sound and well positioned for a bright future.”

The report is not an independent audit and the CPA firm offers no opinion on the financial statements but examines the procedures, policies and accounting for bank accounts, disbursements, investments, payroll, donations and financial reporting.

We will have more on this today.

3 thoughts on “Breaking: Humane Society releases CPA report

  1. How exactly do the “ good ole boy” board members expect us to trust this cherry picked nonsense! I think the only thing that will actually shed light on the real situation, is a full audit by a forensic CPA.
    The Saltmarsh report did not address a single one of the actual complaints. For instance- Saltmarsh reports that auto draft payments were used, but tip toed around the specific employee complaint about auto drafts causing fees, improper depletion of restricted donor funds and other red flags of financial mismanagement.
    If the accounts were in such good standing, why were employees unable to provide animals with medical care, vaccinations, spay/neuter services. Why is it there were no funds to pay for vet services ?
    Saltmarsh was clearly kept in the dark about the full extent of the financial issues discussed in the “ We the people” statement.. It is easy to iron out all the wrinkles whe you leave out huge swaths of data! Not to mention that the information being fed by Adcox to Saltmarsh it is incredibly “sus”! Seriously, this is really a publicity stunt pulled by BOD members in an attempt to pull the wool over our eyes! Mainly this is all so they can reopen and quickly start filling the coffers with donor dollars.
    As much as I want to help the animals in this community, the only way I’d trust them again is to see ALL board members replaced. It’s time for some house cleaning in the BOD!!!!
    In addition, I think the ridiculous lawsuit filed by certain members of the BOD needs to be shut down! It basically sounds like retaliation against those who called attention to what appeared to be dodgy book keeping!
    It is sad that some of the kindest, hardest working, talented individuals will not be there at the humane society to work with volunteers and be ambassadors for the society. Part of the reason I chose to foster for PHS was the staff who clearly loved the animals they were helping!
    If you believe this report somehow vindicates the BOD… read it again and look for what is MISSING!!!!

  2. How the board of PHS operates. They blocked my wife and other volunteers who spoke out from the PHS page. My wife who spent almost 6 years, 3 days a week volunteering there. Was An Angel in Our Mist on WEAR last year for her work there. Boy I’ve never seen anything like this. Some of the board members, not all are let’s just say beat anything I ever saw when I was lobbying in Tallahassee. Really sad that egos take precedence over the animals. And screw over people that dedicated themselves to trying to make the animals lives a little better.

  3. Thank you Rick for following up with this story, the truth needs to come out. Since this wasn’t a forensic audit, the whole truth has yet to be exposed. The Board of Directors have several members in the banking industry and certainly know how to make the books look legitimate. This is case of David and Goliath, the young staff who have stood up to the bullies and risk their livelihood for the animals in their care. This is a test of Pensacola and if they care about the people in power who make the rules.

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