Breaking: Possible source of poop at Bruce Beach found

On WCOA this morning, Mayor Grover Robinson said ECUA may have found the source of sewage entering the city’s stormwater system that flows into Pensacola Bay near Bruce Beach when they did work repairing a line under Garden Street at Spring Street.

According to the mayor, the FDOT nicked a sewer line when it did work on Garden Street, which is also a state highway, decades ago.

Both ECUA and city engineers believe repairing the line will deal with the majority of the poop getting into the city’s downtown sewer system flowing into the bay near Bruce Beach.

1 thought on “Breaking: Possible source of poop at Bruce Beach found

  1. Um…didn’t Gloria Horning point to this as a probable source of problems years ago?

    Gloria and I have had some pretty strong disagreements lately concerning some personality politics. But when she’s right, she’s right. And she has been dead-on with soooo many aspects of this from the get-go.

    One would think that the officials and administrators overseeing these sorts of issues would see the value of actually hearing–and caring about–the input of local advocates who have spent years of time on particular issues.

    Maybe if anybody ever listened and acted on black-and-white advocate information at the start of these issues, it wouldn’t always have to devolve into a toxic war of attrition to drag the truth out from the continual bombs of governmental gaslighting. A continual scenario which is just so bad for our community. Why does it always take a years’ long battle to point out the obvious? :(

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