Rick's Blog

Breaking: Rebekah Jones blocks emergency injunction

Democratic Congressional candidate Rebekah Jones staved off emergency injunction that would have removed her for the Aug. 23 Democratic Primary ballot. Florida 2nd Judicial Circuit Judge John Cooper ruled against Peggy Schiller’s motion to strike her from the ballot. Schiller’s lawsuit will have full hearing on Friday, Aug. 5.

Schiller, who is also running for Congress as a Democrat, filed the lawsuit alleging that Jones did not meet the Florida law that requires that she be a registered Democrat for a full year before qualifying for the race. She attached documents that she alleges prove Jones registered to vote while living in Maryland as “unaffiliated” for a two-month period last year. Jones has disputed those documents.

“This is about election integrity. Every vote must count, and we are seeing to that,” Jones said in press release on Judge Cooper’s ruling.”With this victory today, we look forward to a proper hearing on August 5, where we will continue to fight and win for the citizens of Northwest Florida.”

Stay tuned.

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