Rick's Blog

Bruce Beach ribbon cutting on Saturday

Press Release: Mayor Ashton Hayward would like to invite the community to join him for a ribbon cutting ceremony at Bruce Beach, 601 W Main St, on Saturday, Nov. 3 at 9 a.m.

The program will include remarks by Mayor Hayward and other local officials as well local black historian, Dr. Marion Williams to provide a historical perspective of the site.

Bruce Beach and the Bruce Beach pool is a historical landmark that was a source of pride and accomplishment for the black community. The area served as a social interaction place for black youth and adults during segregation. The Bruch Beach Pool provided a safe and secure environment for the black community. However, due to needed repairs and changes in the neighborhood, it was closed. To commemorate the history of Bruce Beach, Bruce Beach Pool, and The Tan Yard Neighborhood, signage will be installed throughout the beach to honor the history of the site.

Back in August, Mayor Ashton Hayward directed staff to begin the process of creating public access to Bruce Beach. Activating the waterfront and providing connectivity to Maritime Park has been a priority for Hayward since he became mayor in 2011.

“I am extremely proud of my team and the work they have done to complete this project,” Mayor Hayward said. “This is just a start to get Bruce Beach activated, and I look forward to the future to how we develop Bruce Beach because it will be a great asset for the citizens of Pensacola.”

City of Pensacola crews have been clearing and removing the overgrowth to clean up at Bruce Beach. The City of Pensacola has worked with several groups to make sure the environment and history of the site are protected. City staff also met with the Native Plant Society to assess the site vegetation. University of West Florida’s Archaeology Institute also surveyed the site to identify any history needing to be preserved.

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