Rick's Blog

Bruce Beach water cleared

From the City of Pensacola:

The City of Pensacola has received results from additional stormwater bacteria testing related to Bruce Beach water quality, which show no elevated bacteria levels. This is positive news for the quality of area waterways including Bruce Beach and is the result of diligent efforts by the City of Pensacola, Emerald Coast Utilities Authority and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Initial sampling and testing of stormwater systems in the Bruce Beach area were conducted in September 2022 by the City of Pensacola, ECUA, and FDEP. That testing showed elevated levels of bacteria in several locations as well as high levels in the stormwater system along Spring Street just south of Garden Street. 

Subsequent inspections by City of Pensacola Public Works staff and ECUA identified a damaged sanitary sewer line in the intersection of Spring Street and Garden Street, which was repaired in October 2022.

Those repairs have been successful in eliminating cross-contamination between ECUA’s line and the City of Pensacola’s stormwater system. Follow-up testing and sampling completed after ECUA’s repairs have found no elevated bacteria levels. Additionally, the City of Pensacola, ECUA, and FDEP took the extra step to have FDEP conduct biological and chemical testing on the samples collected by FDEP.

Indicators specific to untreated human waste were found only at the location south of the previously broken sewer line sampled in September 2022 and were not present in any samples collected in February 2023.  An indicator of bird waste was confirmed present only in samples collected in September 2022.  ECUA and FDEP samples were tested independently in separate labs.

Both the City of Pensacola’s stormwater system and ECUA’s sanitary sewer system are functioning as designed, and replacement of the broken pipe at Spring Street and Garden Street eliminated the only confirmed source of untreated human waste in this extensive sampling effort covering all areas contributing stormwater flow to Bruce Beach.

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