Budget item may be not eligible for referendum

A reader pointed out the charter doesn’t allow petitions from citizens to force reconsideration of budget items.

Section 7.03. Power of Referendum.

Within sixty (60) days following the effective date of a measure passed by City Council, City electors shall have the power to require reconsideration by the City Council of any measure passed by City Council. If the City Council fails to repeal a measure so reconsidered, the electors have the power to approve or reject the reconsidered measure at a City election. The electors are not empowered to reconsider measures that extend to providing an annual budget, levying taxes, or setting salaries of City officers or employees.

Pensacola City Charter

The council amended the annual budget to commit $5 million of Local Option Sales Tax dollars for the airport project.

Inweekly has asked City PIO Vernon Stewart to check with the city attorney on whether the petition is allowable under this section of the charter.

Stay tuned.