Building and repairing infrastructure a national, state, county and city issue

In my Outtakes, “Infrastructure: The Best Incentive,” I proposed that the City of Pensacola look at the infrastructure needed to spur economic development and job creation in its CRA.

According to MBA Central, nationally our infrastructure has deteriorated rapidly. The Highway Trust Fund Deficit is $15B. Twenty-five percent of U.S. bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.

The American Society of Civil Engineers report card is bleak.
(A = Exceptional B = Good C = Mediocre D = Poor F = Failing)

Energy D+
Parks and Rec C-
Roads D
Ports C
Bridges C+
Wastewater D
Levees D-
Drinking Water D
Schools D
Transit D
Rail C+
Inland Waterways D-
Aviation D
Solid Waste B-
Hazardous Waste D
Dams D

Cumulative GPA D+

Infrastructure and Business
