Buzz: CDC checking impact of BP spill on mental health (audio)

The Center for Disease Control maybe surveying locals about the impact of the BP oil spill on mental health. I received this email from a reader:

I wanted to make you aware that I got a call last week (but wasn’t home and they left a message) from someone from the CDC saying they were investigating health of residents along the Gulf Coast.

Well, last night I was home, answered and they did me a 20 min. survey.

They targeted the oldest adult female in the household and asked me about all sorts of specific health problems in the last year, but asked more questions about mental health.

What struck me is that when I answered, I said, ” Can I give you my cell phone number in case we get disconnected?” and she said she no because the phone calls were randomly generated. If so, why did they call twice last week? Also she said they were surveying 1000 residents across the entire gulf. A little light, don’t you think?

Here is the audio: CDC Voicemail message
